Finger friendly browse keyboard

William Kenworthy billk at
Sun Mar 1 09:16:39 CET 2009

On Sun, 2009-03-01 at 09:03 +0100, Pander wrote:
> Have you tried the alternative keyboards (alpha and num) from
> > BillK
> > 

No, just did a search for "keyboard" and they didnt show up.  What was
new was optimsms which has possibilities.

Were they a alpha/number dutch kb? - saw those some time back and didnt
try them because they were two separate boards (and not in english)
which is painful to use as you are switching back and forward all the
the time (which is a real pita with the FR as it usually takes multiple
swipes to switch)

As a user, I would like a single full qwerty keyboard for almost all
uses, and a very large key qwerty/number only for SMS (landscape so
there is room, and just enough of a text bar to display 160 characters),
and like most commercial phones, a simple menu choice to disable T9,
dict lookups and other funnies for those like me who hate them.


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