[Om2008.x] Wanted StarDict for my Openmoko

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Sun Mar 1 17:08:03 CET 2009

El día Sunday, March 01, 2009 a las 04:32:56PM +0100, arne anka escribió:

> with all these deps it might be sensible to build the package on its own  
> -- things like scrollkeeper or docbook seem pretty nonsensical to the core  
> functionality.
>  from the screenshots i've seen, i am not sure inhowfar stardict's gui  
> matches the constraints of the fr, though, sdcv might be a better choice.

Thx for your hint; I've installed sdcv_0.4.2-9_armel.deb (which needed
libreadline.so.5 in addition) but this is working now with my dics and
would be sufficient for me; one problem remains: it produces UTF-8
output; is there a xterm in FR which does UTF-8?


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
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