[Om2008.x] Wanted StarDict for my Openmoko

Alejandro Sáiz b.de.bangkok at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 19:02:00 CET 2009

> since the package names to frinst opkg may differ, you could test with ldd
> which libs are necessary and check with opkg, which packages you need to
> install.

Thanks! I did that (after installing ldd) and it worked for me, I just
needed the lib mentioned by Matthias above.  I also followed Matthias's
advice (in other discussion) to get UTF8 on vala-terminal, and now I have a
Thai dictionary! Most useful for me.

However I get a message:
sdcv: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: no version information available (required by
Does anyone know why?

> >> PD:Please don't top-post
> >
> > Sorry about that...
> and now we all cut the quotes to the parts really necessary instead of
> simply hitting reply, scrolling down and typing ...

Ok I'll try
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