Bying a Freerunner with the "buzz"-fix on it

Xavier Cremaschi omega.xavier at
Tue Mar 3 10:32:33 CET 2009

Alexander Raab a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm thinking about getting a Freerunner.
> But a few months ago I met someone and he told me that the buzzing is
> quite heavy.
> I read about a fix for that on the A7, but there is only a A6 sold. Have
> I missed something?
> And whats about the GTA03? Would it be sold this year, next year or ...
> best regards
> Alex

In a mail from Steve Mosher (VP Marketing) on 2009/02/1st he wrote :

  Feb 2-9: final alsa states for A7 are developed and tested and signed off.
   Feb 9-16: Phones at the factory are flashed.
   Feb 16-23: Ship to Disty.

Those are not official dates agreed to by everyone working the issue,
but I suspect they are close.

When will it get to you? That's hard to say. I would expect some disty
will try to be the first with A7 phones and will start their order
process as the TPE returns for work on 2/2.

About GTA03 I think almost nobody is working on it, it's just a draft (a 
  wiki page ?), am I wrong ?


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