[SHR-testint] On Yaouh! 0.5 and 0.4

Helge Hafting helge.hafting at hist.no
Wed Mar 4 11:20:35 CET 2009

Carlo Minucci wrote:

> now i have installed SHR for testing 0.5 e search for a solution... if i 
> don't found i delete the secondo progress bar :)

The bar that needs "df /" to work?  No need to get rid of it 
unconditionally. Test the output of that df command, and make the bar 
only if "df" gave a useable response. Those with a working "df" then 
gets the bar, and those without still get their tiles updated. (And if 
they don't like that, they can complain to whoever packages busybox for 
the SHR distro. "df /" is supposed to work, according to documentation.)

Helge Hafting

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