Word processing application

GNUtoo GNUtoo at no-log.org
Tue Mar 3 20:33:48 CET 2009

On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 18:52 +0000, Al Johnson wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 March 2009, Leonti Bielski wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I'm looking for some kind of word processing application.
> > I want to use my Freerunner in a library so I would not have to bring
> > laptop with me - only the keyboard.
> > I've heard of AbiWord, but can't manage to find an ipk package for it.
> > Also, is there emacs package for Freerunner available?
> > Can someone suggest something else for text editing?
> Which distro are you using? Abiword is one of the things I usually build 
> myself, so I might have ipkgs available.
On the freerunner I use a SHR-unstable distribution(now with a patched
kenrel from the image that was for flashing the gsm firmware)
On openembedded I ust the openmoko distribution.
And I built abiword myself(with the help of openembedded)...then had
data-loss so I've lost the recipes but I can retry to build it if you
want...If I remember well abiword itself compiled fine...but there was
an easy problem in one of its dependencies...didn't commit the fix(boost
...Ah yes I remember...little include problem...but I don't remember in
which package(maybe boost-asio)...may be boost related
Anyway you could try and report your success or failure.

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