New SHR-Testing release

Tilman Baumann tilman at
Fri Mar 6 11:13:41 CET 2009

Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann wrote:
> Am Freitag 06 März 2009 10:47:20 schrieb Tilman Baumann:
>> Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> for those of you who didn't see the blog on Openmoko-Planet or read the
>>> SHR Mailinglist... We did publish new testing images.
>> Time for re-install by image or is opkg upgrade safe?
> See the announcement :-) upgrading from old shr-testing does not work... Sombody 
> even tried it me thinks. Changing the repo config and upgrading from shr-
> unstable is supposed to work though.

Oh, sorry. I was a bit unclear.

I was on unstable before and I intend to stay on the bleeding edge.
(Or at least see where that brings me...)

Question is, what will happen if I do nothing.
Is the new unstable a clean continuation of the old unstable or does it 
break updates?

Or should I just go testing anyway because unstable is really not 
intended for real use?

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  Albert Einstein

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