[All] To build a better music player

Cameron Frazier frazier.cameron at gmail.com
Sun Mar 8 04:29:13 CET 2009

On Sat, 2009-03-07 at 22:00 -0500, Dylan Reilly wrote:
> FYI, version 0.5.7. is now available on opkg.org.
> * Seeking works again (gstreamer).
> * Random play implemented (gstreamer).
> * Pulled in misc., minor GUI enhancements from Paul TT (developer from
> whom the this version was branched).
> * Moved settings around in config. file. All file browsing-related
> settings are now in one place.
> * Default music path is now home directory and fixed bug for inability
> to navigate if initial music path does not exist.
> * Added icon for .desktop file (borrowed from SHR).
> * Known issue: Seeking while the repeat function is enabled for MP3
> files causes the next instance of the song to play incorrectly.

Using the mutagen ipk from opkg.org results in failure, remotely and
locally.  Anyone have suggestions on a work-around?

root at om-gta02 ~ $ opkg install mutagen_svn-4350-2_armv4t.ipk 
root at om-gta02 ~ $ opkg install
Downloading http://www.opkg.org/packages/mutagen_svn-4350-2_armv4t.ipk
root at om-gta02 ~ $
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