thoughts on A-GPS offline

Daniel Willmann daniel at
Mon Mar 9 00:06:35 CET 2009

On Wed, 04 Mar 2009 13:59:07 +0100
Helge Hafting <helge.hafting at> wrote:

> Thanks a lot!
> I needed this one too, and now get 7s warm starts!

7s TTFF is pretty good. I got that once, but usually I have about 16s

> I also raised pacc from 3km to 9km, as I often enough travel a bit
> more than 3km with the gps unit off.

I'm interested to hear how that affects TTFF. The way I understand it
initial position is only used to calculate which SVs are in view so the
chip knows which SVs to search for. So a pacc of 3km or 9km shouldn't
have any noticable effect. This is just guesswork though, so any
results on your part would be greatly appreciated.

Daniel Willmann
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