Open IPKG packages from command line

buergi pat_buergi124 at
Mon Mar 9 21:20:46 CET 2009

> Is it possible to extract a IPK-package (some_package.ipk)? I do not 
> want to install anything - just inspect the package on my Ubuntu-machine.

i changed my ~/.mc/bindings file to browser packages with midnight
just replace 'regex/\.s?a' ny 'regex/\.(s?a|ipk|opk)'

OT: the same way you can also browser e's cfg files. just add the three
lines from here[1] to the bindings file. you'll need eet for it to work,
which should be available from your distros repo. i also build eet for
the openmoko some time ago[2][3], might be outdated. no warranty here.


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