Predictive text input for Openmoko

Francis Tyers ftyers at
Mon Mar 9 23:46:45 CET 2009


I was recommended to write to this list by PaulFert` from the #openmoko
IRC channel. 

I'm interested in predictive text input for mobile phones, and came
across Openmoko. I asked in the IRC channel and was pointed towards the
Illume keyboard. 

This looks something like what I was thinking of, although it does error
correction, not prediction, but that is much of a muchness.

Basically, I'm wondering how I might be able to contribute dictionaries
and / or word statistics to help expand the number of supported
dictionaries. I'm mainly interested in Breton and Welsh, but have
surface form dictionaries (in the form of morphological analysers[1])
for a number of other "lesser used" languages. 

Any information or pointers to documentation would be gladly received.


Francis Tyers

1. Under GPL licence.

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