[QTExtended] Qt Extended is still going

HouYu Li karadog at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 03:45:30 CET 2009

The community just want to make Qt Extended moving forward. Now everything
is there.

*Unofficial Qt Extended release 4.4.3 binary*

*Unofficial git repository*
git://git.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved.git for git
http://git.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved.git for web access
*Bugs, Patches and Ideas*
Go to http://trac.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved
Register a user for submit bugs, patches and ideas.

Best Regards

HouYu Li, Karajan

karajan_ii (at) hotmail.com
karadog (at) gmail.com
lihouyu (at) phpex.net

PHP Developer
Red Hat Certified Engineer

Shanghai, China
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