[debian] State of SHR packaging?

Davide Scaini dscaini at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 14:25:23 CET 2009

tried it, but no way to connect... 'connection timed out'
...wanna be a tester ;-)

On 3/12/09, Nikita V. Youshchenko <yoush at debian.org> wrote:
>> Ideally I'd like to use debian + e17 + the SHR
>> phone apps on my freerunner...
> Same here.
>> Has there been any progress on this?  If not, is there some way I can
>> help?
> I've built fresh packages for e17 stack, but not yet uploaded those to
> pkg-fso. Will do that after an ack from somebody who will test things.
> Currently packages are in my repo at
> deb http://yoush.homelinux.org:8079/debian freerunner main
> Compared to previous build, these do include illume keyboard.
> However there are still blocking problems - tiny font and no launcher
> icons.
> I am burried with real-life issues and have zero time to look into those
> myself :(.  So help from interested people is badly needed.
> As for SHR apps - the packaging depends on still-missing e17 components ...
> Nikita
> P.S.
> Please use pkg-fso-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org list for
> debian-on-freerunner related issues, and
> pkg-e-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org for debian e packaging issues.
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