[QtExtended] qtextended and 2.6.28

Franky Van Liedekerke liedekef at telenet.be
Sat Mar 14 12:02:01 CET 2009


I saw that in the git (http://git.karadog.net/qt-extended-improved.git),
the patch for 2.6.28 isn't integrated yet, although the patch (see
http://pastebin.com/m4cf5bb93) seems totally non-intrusive.
There is a binary available, but that doesn't contain the latest echo
fix, if I'm correct.
Does this mean that QtExtended isn't working yet on 2.6.28? Or has apm
changed on 2.6.28 so that
http://moko.mwester.net/download/apm-qtopia-v2.tgz isn't valid anymore?

I'm asking this because I thought there were many suspend/resume/modem
fixes in 2.6.28, and to get qtextended running on the latest/best fso
kernel would be great!


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