Announcing the first programming competition for Openmoko phones

Risto H. Kurppa risto at
Sat Mar 14 13:01:28 CET 2009

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 1:02 PM, RzR
< at> wrote:
> Hi you can add me , but i am afraid I'll have no time for
> Anyway you can add this link to your page :

Great, looking forward to see what you come up with :)

Added the link in the comments.

Slavesourcing - definitely it's not worth writing the player for the
money, no, it really isn't. I myself think the primary motivator here
should be the possibility to help the OM community / OM phone users by
writing/porting an app that's really needed. The money the winner
gets.. I guess it can motivate others, for example winning this
competition and getting the money allows you to travel somewhere (by
train, not plane, I'd think :), buy 1/2 of Freerunner, a new
keyboard/mouse or something you wouldn't like to put your 'own' money
in but would still like to buy it. But still, don't do it only for the
money but to be able to contribute to the Linux/OM phone/community -
as far as we know there are no small-screen &finger compatible podcast
players for Linux..

I'm really interested to see the solutions that people come up with
and then launch the next part with a new task.


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

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