[QtExtended] some things

HouYu Li karadog at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 13:26:51 CET 2009

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Franky Van Liedekerke <liedekef at telenet.be
> wrote:

> Some initial things I found after a first boot:
> - upon boot, there's something about a ASoC driver (about the last
>  thing you see before the graphical stuff begins), but it also says
>  that this driver is only for gta01 hardware. Don't know if this
>  affects anything though ...

It seems that it does not matter.

> - upon first boot, you're required to set the time/timezone, but this
>  setting is afterwards ignored and you need to redo this. So, if
>  possible, this first setting screen should be removed.

We can remove it...

> - the power management settings for "plugged in" mention that the phone
>  should suspend when plugged in. This seems illogical. Also upon first
>  boot, suspend doesn't work (when set to suspend after x secs when on
>  battery), upon second boot it does ...
>  But even then, when plugged in, it suspends (although the battery
>  icon shows that it is loading, so the software detected that is
>  plugged in). Hmmm ... tested it again (after putting the improved
>  echo fix version on it) and the suspends no longer happens.

If you are using build from dashi-x02.karadog.net, then try to disable the
FSO frameworkd. Just remove the /etc/rc5.d/Sxxframeworkd. Then do a reboot.

> - upon first boot, pressing the phone icon without sim card in it,
>  results in a black screen. You then need to press the powerbutton for
>  10 secs to reboot the device. Upon second boot, this doesn't happen
>  anymore.
> So for now: reboot twice and put the improved version on it :-)
> Now on to the phone testing!
> Franky
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Best Regards

HouYu Li, Karajan

karajan_ii (at) hotmail.com
karadog (at) gmail.com
lihouyu (at) phpex.net

PHP Developer
Red Hat Certified Engineer

Shanghai, China
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