Debian package for pythm Was: [debian] Packaging python apps, f.e. pythm...

Yaroslav Halchenko at
Mon Mar 16 17:32:36 CET 2009

On Mon, 16 Mar 2009, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> > (pkg-fso for example). To achieve this the requirements to get into pkg-fso 
> > shouldn't be too demanding imho.
> I thought pkg-fso was a temporary repository for packages that are
> aiming to enter debian. I would be surprised if I got some low-quality
> stuff from there.
and I aim to ship pythm into Debian as soon as all dependencies are
available (python-edbus is the one and it is to be provided by pkg-fso
team) in the Debian main

Debian package is already almost complete imho (just missing manpage and
need a correct xpm icon for menu). Not sure what additional steps I need
to do to make the package 'high quality' ;)

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