GPS emergency call standards

Steve " 'dillo" Okay armadilo at
Wed Mar 18 16:10:24 CET 2009

On Mar 18, 2009, at 04:28 , Chris Samuel wrote:

> On Wednesday 18 March 2009, arne anka wrote:
>> well, it fits the wet dreams of germany's current top terrorists  
>> hunter
>> (register everyone who buys a sim card) -- and there are no numbers
>> mentioned of abuse.
> In 2003 our local telco monopoly released numbers show about 70% of  
> emergency
> calls were not real - so about 7 million false calls to 000 (the  
> Australian
> emergency number) in *Melbourne* each year.  That's getting on for  
> 2 per head
> of population.
> That includes hoaxes, mistakes, fax machines (yes, really), unlocked
> mobiles pocket-dialing 000, school kids, people calling 000 to  
> report a car
> blocking their drive because their local police station went to an  
> answer
> phone, etc.

Hmmm...I wonder how much of that could be avoided by choosing  
something like
"911" or "909" or (as stated on the TV show "IT Crowd")  "0118 999  
881 999 119 7253"  :)
instead of 3 consecutive presses of the most exposed digit on the  
phone keypad.

It's a lot harder to keypad mash those than just 000.

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