[SHR/FSO] - GPS - no fix, ogpsd.pickle question

Vinzenz Hersche hersche at puzzle.ch
Fri Mar 20 16:51:27 CET 2009

On Freitag 20 März 2009 16:26:53 KaZeR wrote:
> I've flashed to shr-testing a few days ago, and *never* managed to get a
> fix since.
> I've noticed the following line in the log, when starting tangoGPS for
> example :
> Mar 20 16:22:53 om-gta02 user.debug kernel: [63639.390000] rxerr: port
> ch=0x00, rxs=0x0000000c
> Happens when opening and closing the app, so i guess it's when the GPS is
> started/stopped.
> Nothing else in my log.
> Has someone ever faced this issue?

i havn't also any fix with the TESTING-shr.. with UNSTABLE-shr (13. march) it 
work's good.. 

i had the same expirience with the phone of a friend (i'm his supporter :p )

i didn't check the log for failures.. so don't know if it's the same.. which 
log does you check?


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