[QtExtended] Qt Extended 4.4.3 released

Tomas Riveros Schober triveros at enable.cl
Sat Mar 21 00:14:37 CET 2009

xChris escribió:
> btw, I am trying to connect to a WPA network. (it worked ok with the 4.4.2
> version) 
> just I am curious if your networks that your connected are open.
> then.. i have no clue why it work for you and not for me... maybe my h/ware
> is buggy (its the GTA02v6).
> chris
yes, it is WPA PSK, on two different locations
I have a gta02v5
maybe you failed to install the modules for your kernel (IIRC, one of 
the modules is crypto support, which means it is needed for WPA connections)


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