Fennec Beta 1 Released

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at 3v1n0.net
Sun Mar 22 20:39:33 CET 2009

Xavier Cremaschi wrote:
> Rui Miguel Silva Seabra a écrit :
>> Does it have a sane compile process already? Or is it still the hell on
>> drugs that I last saw (which was fairly recent)?
> I tried for alpha 1 and alpha 2 too, and I failed.
> But IIRC Marco Trevisan succeeded (for alpha 1) a long time ago...

Yes I did using the toolchain...

> Marco if you read this, can you put a bit of your knowledge on the wiki 
> ? So maybe one of us will be able to compile the beta for FR without 
> becoming insane.

Well, honestly I don't remember so well how I did, but practically
followed the building wiki...

However surely I hg-cloned the repos for mozilla-central and mobilebase,
then I configured mozilla-central using this mozconfig:

# Options for client.mk.
mk_add_options MOZ_BUILD_PROJECTS="xulrunner mobile" #mobile
mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/../mobilebase

# XULRunner options
ac_add_app_options xulrunner --enable-application=xulrunner
ac_add_app_options xulrunner --disable-javaxpcom

# Enabling --with-arm-kuser implies Linux on ARM and enables kernel
# optimizations for that platform
ac_add_app_options xulrunner --with-arm-kuser

# mobile options
ac_add_app_options mobile --enable-application=mobile
ac_add_app_options mobile --with-libxul-sdk=../xulrunner/dist

mk_add_options AUTOCONF=autoconf2.13


#export CC=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc
#export CXX=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc
#export LD=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-ld
#export AR=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-ar
#export AS=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-as

ac_add_options --target=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi

ac_add_options --disable-gnomevfs
ac_add_options --disable-gnomeui
ac_add_options --disable-ogg

If I'll find some more time, I'll retry again, but honestly I don't
think that fennec will be our answer. Webkit based browsers works well
in our platform (actually the best are the gtk-webkit [compiled with
libsoup backend] based ones, but I figure that in the future libewebkit
based browsers will be our primary choice).

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