[debian] preferred working kernel at the moment?

Christophe Badoit openmoko at tof2k.com
Thu Mar 26 09:44:26 CET 2009

Fox Mulder a écrit :
> Hi,
> i wonder which kernel is the "best" or lets say the most stable and
> working für debian at the moment. Since i upgraded from the last 2.6.24
> kernels to the 2.6.28/29 i have more problems than benefits. :/


I've tried pretty much the same kernels for debian, and with pretty much
the same problems you encountered.

Right now I'm trying Koolu's Android's kernel; wifi works good, suspend
does not, and no way to force 1000ma charging.

I too, would like to have a "good" kernel for debian :-)

Christophe Badoit

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