This might be illegal!

GNUtoo GNUtoo at
Sat Nov 7 14:59:31 CET 2009

On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 09:29 +0530, Aditya Gandhi wrote:
> Hi people,
> Those who really wish to go by the book, don't like to break simple
> laws please stop here.
> I don't mean to be rude, but don't want people who usually don't break
> the law to get lured......
> Is there anyway in which we can use their emulator, probably hack the
> g1 emulator and reverse engineer the android market
Slideme that is a market,has an old apache 2.0 licensed version
I tried to compile it but needed the 1.1 SDK and my CPU had better
things to do than compile the 1.1 SDK

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