What's going on (3)

Thomas Zimmermann zimmermann at vdm-design.de
Tue Nov 17 10:02:25 CET 2009

----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------

Betreff: [Shr-User] What's going on (3)
Datum: Dienstag 17 November 2009
Von: Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at sspaeth.de>
An: "SHR-user" <shr-user at lists.shr-project.org>

Hi all,
every day we think, THIS is the day we finally push out the new
shr-unstable, and then something happens that prevents it. Just last
week, upstream OE made a major transition that broke the compilation of
many packages and introduced weird errors (some required files were not
being installed any more, some library symlinks were missing, etc).

We have dealt with that now. The last thing we are grappling with before
we can push out: JaMa wanted to fix version numbering so we can offer
opkg upgrades rather than requiring reflashes (too often) in the future.
This was supposed to be easy but turned out to be a nightmare. Again
about 50 packages failed to compile and we have to deal with that fall out.

Once the image compiles and boots flawlessly, we'll push it out
immediately, promised :). There will be a few glitches, but overall it
is shaping up to be a nice image.



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