Intone and lyrics with album art;)

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak seba.dos1 at
Sat Sep 5 15:43:51 CEST 2009

On 9/4/09, c_c <cchandel at> wrote:
> Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
>> Just use elementary Pager! It's designed for things like that ;)
>   Well, there are some issues with that :-
> 1. pager is slow on FR's
> 2. Also it uses a little bit of extra space all around
> 3. I will need to re-create the 8 buttons and 2 sliders for each view
> 4. The hit of keeping 2 out of the three of list / text box / image in
> memory at any time (think about a 4000 songs list when in play all songs
> mode!)

1. Pager isn't slow. That's just animation in theme. Disabled in
sixteen and niebiee themes. I hope SHR will change default theme to
something better working on FR soon.
2. Well, also theme issue. You can add theme extension to intone,
which will add to pager style without any space around.
3. No, just place Pager above 2 sliders and behind 8 buttons :P
4. Keep only 3 pages in memory. List, lyrics and image, and change
lyrics and image when changing song. I don't think keeping every song
details in memory is necesary, keep only widgets and update their

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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