Small improvements suggestion to intone

Laszlo KREKACS laszlo.krekacs.list at
Sat Sep 5 17:06:24 CEST 2009

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 4:12 PM, c_c<cchandel at> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Ok, the song directories list is done. Code committed to svn. Here's a
> binary. intone

Thx, testing ....

> Laszlo KREKACS wrote:
>  Then, maybe it would be better if it was done as a an external script that
> I could call from Intone? Same for the cover art and lyrics fetching.

I envision an FSO daemon for it. I would execute simple script
file from directories. Where each directory would correspond an event.

So we could put our script in usb (for usb net) and in wifi.
And we would simply write in our script, that delete the other
script from usb dir (if our script is executed in wifi dir).

The timeout script would simply correspond to
'launch this program at 16:00', and we could simply
implement a alarm application;). Than in the script would
simply launch fso-alarm through dbus.;)))

It would be dead simple and robust implementation.
No need extra voodoo, only put the right dir your program.

Best regards,

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