om-showroom half-serious task list

David Reyes Samblas Martinez david at
Mon Sep 7 17:26:08 CEST 2009

Hi, heres is my "serious" proposal of task list for the firt release
of the showroom, also some doubt and comments, joao I need some

-Package filtering:using a config file to block some packages to be
showed the showroom package selector in order to simplify the editors
 this config file will contain a list of strings with wildcards and if
any package name meets one of this will not appear on the package
 I consider than devel, docs, fonts, plugins from main packages and
libraries must not appear in a application showroom so using this
principle I have reduced from 8215 to 510 using the filter criteria in
a sql statement[2] on the shrunestable database

Doubts on how to face the implementation of this:
-two approaches:
  -on the import itself, no include this on the database on import
   -pros:small and more quick database
   -cons:a package not imported will be not posible to be included in
the showroom
  -filter it on the showroom editor , build the sql query online using
this "blacklist" file to retry the allowed packages to be included.
   -pros:possible to disable/modify the filter by the editor and being
able to include any package on the repo
   -cons:big and slow? database, a bit more dificult to implement edit
management part.
This point is the first I will dedicate some time once the approach is
decided, if no input received I will procced with the second approach

-Web application (om-showroom it self)
Due the design is still pending I will start  development on an an
ugly plain text  and html tables without care about, styles, colours
or nothing image/look related , only focusing in that the info can be
shown and edited

For the first release
-Welcome page
-App Navigation:
  -the categories will be predefined with the Main
registered ones[1], if the amount of apps of one category began to
rise then a two level navigation will be implemented using the
additional categories of too.
 -App Details:
  -main screenshoot: a predef image will be shown if no one is uploaded
  -Short description:based on the package description will be showed
in the applications list during navigation, editable through
application editor no mor e than 255 chars
  -Description:description without char descriptions and surely not on
this release but in next ones with wiki formating style.
  -package name, source and homepage inherited from packages info
  -more screenshots?(doubt if it will be included on this release)
  -additional links?(doubt if it will be included on this release)
-Editor page
   -Form for edit all the above with
        -Package filtering?(see Package filtering item above)
        -Only apps with asociated package are allowed
        -clear way to know which packages is already included and what
are pending and what are rejected (must be included on the filter?)
        -The fist time an app is included this description will be
filled with the package description
        -have in mind the future features, (multi-distro, multi-distro
version.. etc)

Well that's all for now, :) I hope my next mail will be with something
to show, in spite it will be ugly :)

[2]select count(*) from package where NOT  (package Like '%-doc' or
package Like '%-dev' or package Like '%-dbg'  or package Like 'font-%'
 or package Like 'task-%' or package Like 'ttf-%'  or package Like
'%-locale%' or package Like 'locale-%' or package Like 'lib%' or
package Like 'kernel-%' or package Like 'perl-%' or package Like
'python-%' or package Like 'pulseaudio-%' or package Like
'util-linux-%' or package Like 'e-wm-%' or package Like 'alsa-utils-%'
or package Like 'abiword-%' or package Like 'evas-%' or package Like
'etk-%' or package Like 'ecore-%' or package Like 'e2fsprogs-%' or
package Like 'connman-%' or package Like 'classpath-%' or package Like
'edbus-%' or package Like 'edje-%' or package Like 'efrecet-%' or
package Like 'emotion-%' or package Like 'epsilon-%' or package Like
'ewl-%' or package Like 'finch-%' or package Like 'frameworkd-%' or
package Like 'gdk-%' or package Like 'glibc-%' or package Like
'gnome-vfs-%' or package Like 'gpsd-%' or package Like 'gst-%' or
package Like 'gtk-%' or package Like 'iputils-%' or package Like
'midpath-%' or package Like 'openssh-%' or package Like 'pam-%' or
package Like 'pango-%' or package Like 'pidgin-%' or package Like
'ppp-%' or package Like 'pulseaudio-%' or package Like 'tzdata-%' or
package Like 'xserver-%')  Order by  package asc

David Reyes Samblas Martinez
Open ultraportable & embedded solutions
Openmoko, Openpandora,  Arduino
Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!

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