Device Orientation API

Denis Johnson denis.johnson at
Tue Sep 8 00:41:03 CEST 2009

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra<rms at> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 09:36:21PM +0200, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
>> I'm sketching a simple device orientation API for FSO. The purpose is to be
>> informed about changes in the physical device orientation. My first take is at
>> Basically, it's sending you a string whenever the orientation changes. Valid
>> substrings contain "portrait", "landscape", "faceup", "facedown".
>> Comments?
> I agree wholeheartedly. omnewrotate was only a way to do "rotation" better than
> the alternatives, but such use of accelerometers is too shallow.
> IMHO it's better that the position is declared as sets of angles and that
> "portrait", et all be "aliases" for certan sets of angles within a certain
> tolerance, that certain listening apps would only pay attention to.
> This way, perhaps, one could mix flexibility with ease?


Perhaps one should be able to define the sets and aliases and that a
set does not only include one axis, so that an alias such as
"top-left-down" are possible.

Thinking further, is it likely for different apps to want to use
different resolutions so for example mokomaze will want pretty high
resolution but another app that starts up may request/ inject (my
term) an additional set/alias to be reported.

cheers Denis

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