Need a SIP based phone application

John Dowd jdowdster at
Fri Sep 11 16:27:48 CEST 2009

I'm still struggling with the Wifi side of the Openmoko Neo but I'm sure all 
of the problems are resolvable. However I well ultimately need a SIP phone 
application in the end. I'm running the SHR-unstable load and I'm wondering if 
anyone knows of such an application? I was using the linphone application when 
I was using the OM-2008 distro but that distro has been discontinued and the 
linphone app is no longer available. The URL used to download linphone no 
longer exists.

"To Err is human, to forgive is NOT company policy."

John Dowd
S/W Contractor
email: jdowd at gmail dot com
Cell: (613)316-7884
Home: (613)234-7884
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