Offline SHR Manager - First Release 0.1

Michael Pilgermann kichkasch at
Sat Sep 26 13:27:51 CEST 2009

Offline SHR Manager (oSHyReMan) is a tiny GTK-based tool for managing
your Freerunner from your Desktop when the phone is connected via USB.

The idea behind is putting together a collection of commands, which are
executed via SSH - before oSHyReMan again and again typed by the user -
now with oSHyReMan automatically.

Currently, you can:
- Make backups of important files / restore files from backups
- Manage your GPS (tangoGPS) tracks (e.g. import GPX etc.)
- Edit comfortably configuration files using an Editor of your choice
On top, system information is displayed on front page.

You can get a copy here (Ubuntu deb or Sources):

For getting started, have a look on the wiki:

I have put some screenshots here:

I would be thankful about feedback - especially any input for further
developments, e.g.:
- which files should be included in a backup by default
- which configuration files are worth to be included by default
- which system information parameters are of interested (and how can we
obtain them)

Enjoy playing with it,

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