Integrating telepathy and opim and fso [Was: Revamping Elmphonelog]

John Dowd jdowdster at
Mon Sep 28 22:20:30 CEST 2009

On Monday 28 September 2009 16:07:47 Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> Renamed to
> Rui

Err... ummm, I don't want to insult anyone but you may want to look up the 
word you are using. I realize that English is a second language for most of 
you but to make it easier for people to perform a proper look up, the word you 
want is "telephony". "Telepathy" is something quite different and will get you 
all sorts of crackpots accessing you site.

"To Err is human, to forgive is NOT company policy."

John Dowd
S/W Contractor
email: jdowd at gmail dot com
Cell: (613)316-7884
Home: (613)234-7884
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