src > bitbake > ipkg

pike pike-openmoko at
Thu Apr 1 23:58:45 CEST 2010


>> Bear with me :-) The bitbake recipe refers to the ipk ?
> bitbake recipe is "build description" which instructs bitbake how to
> create correct .ipk or .dep or .rpm or whatever from "source archive".
> In thone case it's "repackaging" your scripts.

Thanks for being clear here. I thought long
and deep about this, and, read a manual :-)

Probably the bitbake recipe is more complicated
than the ipk it creates, but I guess that doesnt
matter on your side - you need the recipe, not
the bread.

For now, I'll try hosting the ipkg myself;
based on the one you created.

A question: why is that file different than
the ipkg  described by QTopia
or even here

In these descriptions, the control directory is
a directory, not a file.

just curious,

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