tangoGPS community development, patches (was: tangoGPS magnify patch)

Alishams Hassam alishams at interchange.ubc.ca
Tue Apr 13 13:07:14 CEST 2010

On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 11:43 +0200, arne anka wrote:
> you are definitely off topic.
> this list is neither to insult others at your pleasure nor to discuss  
> issues with your project or ego.
> those entirely tangogps related mails are filling up my account and have  
> nothing to do with openmoko.
> please, stop abusing other projects infrastructure for your personal needs.
No, you're at least one thread too early. This discussion has been
(partly) about setting up that kind of infrastructure for tangogps. It
was originally a program for Openmoko phones and its business has always
been discussed here (afaik). In fact, only relatively recently has there
been much use outside the freerunner community. I would agree that it
needs its own infrastructure or if it's forked that fork should- but
right not this thread is appropriate here. 

And Yorick, I wholeheartedly agree with your analysis. 

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