community Digest, Vol 179, Issue 23

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at
Sat Apr 17 11:28:57 CEST 2010

Em 17-04-2010 10:02, Christoph Pulster escreveu:
> I consider the idea, that the future of open source hardware could be
> this: taking high-quality hardware from big players like Apple, which  
> are sexy and free of bugs. But jailbreaking/reflashing the bootloader,  
> installing a free OS.
> Sure, we get in some dependencies of the HW manufactorer and this is not  
> the 100% clean way like Copyleft-concept of Qi is (well this is a very  
> European idea, maybe some Russian crackers are more intelligent in some  
> practical way).

Won't work. One word why: drivers.

You'll always produce a sub-standard alternative to the official OS that
comes with the device.


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