[E-devel] Fwd: Glamo secrets, acceleration, X11, directfb, was: X11 dependencies hardcoded in ecore_evas

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at vanille-media.de
Sun Apr 18 14:51:40 CEST 2010

Am Sonntag, den 18.04.2010, 13:38 +0200 schrieb mobi phil:
> > dfb isnt common to fb and x11 - it is an enitre display system of its own.
> > there is a specific xdirectfb server on top of dfb. but it is not a common
> > component. i think you misunderstand directfb... :) \
> No!!! I do not misunderstand... Yourself you said the same... Indeed there
> is a simple xdirectfb on top of dfb. So If everybody, Qt based apps (QtMoko)
> and X would talk to directfb, then directfb would be an almost perfect
> lowest common denominator.

The lowest common denominator is already present, it's the dumb (but
almost always present) framebuffer. I'd appreciate a library that
implements an OSD in EFL.


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