QtMoko - application development

Aditya Gandhi aditya.g8 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 00:35:31 CEST 2010

this is the command I used to build qmokoplayer:

aditya at aditya-desktop ~/mysources/qtmoko/src/3rdparty/applications/qmplayer
$ /home/aditya/mysources/build/bin/qbuild,
I get a binary file called link_test in the folder
I upload this file to qtmoko, but nothing happens plz help

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Aditya Gandhi <aditya.g8 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi I tried to compile using the instructions you gave, but I get a compiled
> binary called, test_link??
> I cannot run it what is it exactly?
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Radek Polak <psonek2 at seznam.cz> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> here is my guide to developing application for QtMoko. It describes how i
>> do
>> it myself, you can be of course comfortable doing it differently.
>> If i write new application for QtMoko - i do it in two steps.
>> 1/ develop it first on PC in QtCreator. It runs as normal Qt/X11. During
>> this
>> step you'll have code completion and integrated debugger.
>> 2/ port it to QtMoko
>> Prerequisities
>>        * download and install QT SDK from nokia (
>> http://qt.nokia.com/downloads)
>>        and choose "Qt SDK for Linux/X11" - choice of 32bit or 64bit is on
>> you.
>>        * download and build QtMoko from sources. Howto is here:
>>                http://github.com/radekp/qtmoko/blob/master/README
>> Step 1 - develop on PC
>>        * you can start new QT application, or open existing one from
>> QtMoko
>> git. Good example is QMplayer in src/3rdparty/application/qmplayer. You
>> can open the project file from QtCreator and it should work when you
>> compile
>> and launch it.
>> Step 2 - port to QtMoko
>>        * you have your app running on PC. Now you need to write project
>> file for
>> qtmoko. It's called qbuild.pro QMplayer is also good example.
>>        * build ARM binary for QtMoko. In your app directory do:
>> /home/radek/qte/build/bin/qbuild
>>        * now you have binary for qtmoko copy it to neo:
>> scp /home/radek/qte/build/src/3rdparty/applications/qmplayer/qmplayer
>> root at
>>        * test it
>> ssh root at
>> source /opt/qtmoko/qpe.env
>> cd /
>> ./qmplayer
>>        * congratulations if you got here
>>        * for making qtmoko package
>> /home/radek/qte/build/bin/qbuild packages
>>        * for making online download repository you need packages.list
>> file. Go
>> to the dir with *.qpk of your app and do:
>> /home/radek/qte/qtmoko/bin/mkPackages
>> Some useful notes
>>        * if your package does not have qtmoko look and feel, place it in
>> sub
>> folder of qtmoko git - e.g. qtmoko apps directory is best place.
>>        * for qtopia api see really great html documentation in
>> doc/html/index.hml
>>        * dont use quicklaunch in qbuild.pro if you want to produces
>> application
>> binary. Otherwise compiling produces just .so.
>> Maybe it could be nice If someone wants to put this info on wiki.
>> Regards
>> Radek
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