QtMoko - Difficulty trying to mount SD as USB

Brolin Empey brolin at brolin.be
Mon Apr 26 07:10:19 CEST 2010

swoody wrote:
> Well, I've been trying my darnedest to get the sd card in my phone to
> mount as a USB drive.


> I'm nearly at my wits end here. I don't have access to a card reader, and
> I tried setting up 3 different phones (non-FR's) as USB drives, but each
> one has it's own unique issue.

You can buy SD/MMC USB card readers on eBay for <5 USD with free 
shipping.  You may need a microSD→full-size SD adapter too.  I have 2 
spare SD/XD/MS/M2/TF(AKA microSD) USB card readers.  You can have 1 of 
them, but it would probably cost more for me to mail them to you than 
for you to buy an SD/MMC reader with free shipping on eBay.  I have the 
2 spare readers because the product description on DealExtreme claimed 
they support CF, which my camera uses, but after I received them I 
discovered they do not support CF. (fail)  My 2 spare readers have 
separate slots for TF (AKA microSD) and full-size SD, though, so you 
could use both sizes of SD cards without needing an adapter.

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