QtMoko v22

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Wed Apr 28 07:46:38 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 27 April 2010 17:00:52 Yann SLADEK wrote:

> The only weird thing I got is a poor battery life (24h
> max) althought I have a buzzfixed GTA02 (the battery goes up to 80h with
> SHR for example). I did the modification of the right file but I have the
> same behaviour than with Android who didn't implement the software fix.

I have tweaked my config:

neo:~# cat /opt/qtmoko/etc/default/Trolltech/Modem.conf 


Now i run NeoControl and suspend my phone. After waking up the battery current 
in NeoContol displays: 11437 which is ~12mA.

Since the battery has capacity 1200mAh it should last 1200/12=100 hours in 
this state.

I had full battery yesterday afternoon. At home i used wifi for like 40minutes 
otherwise it was suspended. Now after 12 hours the battery indicator in Qtopia 
displays 4/5 full. So i think deep sleep is working.



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