When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
hns at computer.org
Sat Aug 14 10:38:19 CEST 2010
Am 14.08.2010 um 09:48 schrieb David Morris:
> Hi Dr. Schaller,
> I am interested in new boards with umts. I would like more openness with the radio module including dynamically assigning an imei and using a remote sim card.
Unfortunately this is beyond what we can provide.
The trick to build such an upgrade-board at a fairly
reasonable price is to use some halfway (at least AT
commands and interfaces) open and precertified
UMTS module. Part of this certification requires that
it is not possible to change IMEI :( Please view the
concept as a (more or less closed) UMTS stick/key
with USB interface soldered onto the main board like
in all the 3G-Netbooks floating around.
For providing such a feature we would have to design
and certify our own complete UMTS system. And that
is the million $$$ effort large handset suppliers can afford.
It has turned out that there are currently only two such
modules that are small enough to fit into the existing
plastics. One comes from OPTION, the other one from
Ericsson. Both still have unfortunately some NDA
limitations - but we are working on it.
PS: it appears that I am not the only one who posts long lines...
> I'd also be interested in bidding in an auction for prototypes in order to raise cash.
> Sent from my mobile
> On 13 Aug 2010, at 18:54, "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <hns at computer.org> wrote:
>> Am 13.08.2010 um 11:51 schrieb arne anka:
>>>> Assume, you could get a motherboard upgrade board that fits into the
>>>> Freerunner (or Neo1973) case. Based on the TI OMAP3 SoC (OMAP3530 or
>>>> DM3730) and UMTS.
>>>> Let me ask two questions to everybody:
>>>> * How long could you be willing to wait for it to really become
>>>> available?
>>>> * How much would you think you could afford to pay for such a board?
>>> - re waiting: since most people change their phones after a couple of
>>> years, waiting shouldn't be an issue -- per se. more important would be to
>>> see a definite progress and sufficient informatrion about the way
>>> development takes (including delays, glitches and so on).
>> Another question: where would you like such status messages and discussions take place?
>> Here on the community list? Or on the om-devel-list? Or on a new, project specific devel/issues list?
>> Nikolaus
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