QtMoko v26

David Garabana Barro david at garabana.com
Sun Aug 29 13:16:44 CEST 2010

O Sábado, 28 de Agosto de 2010, Radek Polak escribiu:
> Hello,
> qtmoko has new v26 release. You can get it from our sourceforge page [1].


qtmoko is getting sweeter and sweeter every version :)

I have find an annoying bug.
I cannot define timeout for suspending when plugged and when on battery.
When I change one, the other changes also...

So, or I have the phone suspending when plugged in or it doesn't suspend even 
when on battery...

David Garabana Barro
jabber & google talk ID:	david at garabana.com
Clave pública PGP/GPG:		http://davide.garabana.com/pgp.html
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