xrandr -o, left and xrandr -o right always rotate to the same direction

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at 1407.org
Tue Aug 31 02:09:57 CEST 2010

Em 30-08-2010 23:16, Benjamin Deering escreveu:
> Hello all,
> Now that the touch screen input is being rotated along with the screen 
> in the latest SHR-U, I have been playing with omnewrotate.  Even with 
> the latest version, a few things need to be changed.  Using the other 
> accelerometer (/dev/input/event4) seems to work a lot better than the 
> default.

Only because that version is still considering relative values and not
absolute values, which are the current settings.

I'm commiting r68 in a few minutes with fixes for this behaviour change
in accelerometer data. It's not a recent change, but I didn't notice
because until recently frequent rotations would eventually get a white

> It still isnt possible to rotate the screen to the right, or to invert 
> it.  The image will be displayed upside down.  I don't know where to 
> start looking for the cause of this.  Any ideas?

It is possible, but in an Orwellian way, left is right and down is up!

Should be a bug in glamo...


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