QtMoko v26

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Tue Aug 31 12:22:35 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 31 August 2010 11:28:46 Francesco De Vita wrote:

> Radek please can you explain these commands in the devtools?
> - AGPS dump

You must have gps on and you must have fix. Then it takes data from GPS chip 
and saves them to /var/cache/agpsdata

> - AGPS lead

You must have GPS on. It takes data previously dumped to /var/cache/agpsdata 
and sends them to GPS chip. The chip can use the data to get faster fix.

Both of the above scripts are used automaticaly by qtopia GPS manager (it's 
called whereabouts or something like this) before turning GPS off and after 
powering it on.

> - Fast Charge Mod

That's script from QtExtended 4.4.3 - i doubt it works.

> - GPS standby enter

When GPS is on it can put it in standby. In this mode GPS consumes very little 

> - GPS standy leave

Leaves standby mode. You can normally use GPS then and it should get very fast 

> Do you think to include a better wifi manager in next releases? the
> default one still causes problem (alias you must be lucky to have a
> working connection, at least for me).

I dont plan any rewriting. I will accept fixes/patches or standalone 
application for setting wifi (installable by Setting->package manager). But 
since wifi works on my open network it's not very high priority (which means 
someone else has to do the work ;-)



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