Leaving the Openmoko community, new wiki-admin needed

Nashvin Gangaram nashving at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 17:26:35 CEST 2010

Thanks for all your efforts Marko...

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Marko Knöbl <openmoko.marko at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear Openmoko community!
> I have previously worked as the administrator of the Openmoko Wiki for the
> last
> year. Unfortunately I have to announce that I will stop my involvement in
> the
> Openmoko community and so a new admin is needed. The reason for leaving is
> quite simple: I broke my FreeRunner last weekend at a party. Although I
> enjoyed my time with it I won't get another one. (Instead I'm getting an
> N900
> and hoping for MeeGo or Debian + FSO to provide a free OS for this device
> soon)
> As I am leaving a new admin is needed in the wiki. The main task for such
> an
> admin would be deleting pages which are either outdated or spam. More
> information on the process of deleting pages can be found here:[1]. If you
> are
> willing to assist the community by taking over this task please contact a
> wiki
> sysop and request more rights on the wiki so you can delete pages. I think
> Joachim Steiger (Roh) is the one to contact for this purpose.
> I will continue the task of deleting unwanted pages until someone else will
> get
> admin rights - but not longer than one month.
> I wish you all the best for the future. It has been great to be a part of
> this
> project!
> OT: As my involvement in the Openmoko project is over I'm searching for new
> challenges. I'm planning to take a break for several month now, but
> afterwards
> I might consider writing some documentation again for some project related
> to
> N900. So if you're working on a related project and need assisance with
> documentation just contact me and maybe I'll join.
> [1]
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Openmoko_Wiki_Editing_Guidelines#Deleting_pages
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