Bluetooth fail (poll?)

Al Johnson openmoko at
Mon Feb 1 11:26:32 CET 2010

On Sunday 24 January 2010, Ian Stephen wrote:
> The jurisdiction where I reside recently implemented a law banning handheld
> devices while driving.  I bought a Jabra BT125 because someone reported
>  success with it and the Freerunner.  I've gone over the SHR manual web
>  page and the manually using bluetooth page and everything else Google
>  could find with both SHR Unstable and SHR Testing.  Finally bought a
>  Motorola phone and have set aside the Freerunner for now. :-(
> I've never used bluetooth before, but it seems the Freerunner (GTA02) pairs
>  with either the Jabra or with my truck's Sync, but does not connect.  The
>  headset beeps twice and exits its pairing mode, but does not make another
>  beep that it does make when I pair it with my Motorola phone.  The truck
>  saves om-gta02, but does not say it is connected to the phone as it does
>  when I pair it with the Motorola.  In either case the Freerunner says "New
>  device
> (/org/bluez/xxxx/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx)" (not really x's of course).
> I am wondering if only a few people have got bluetooth to work with
>  headsets for GSM calls while lots of us lose sleep over it, or have most
>  got it going and I'm just missing something?

Under shr-u A2DP works well. Phone calls worked fine last time I tried, but 
the process for changing between headset and handset use was cumbersome (edit 
config file and restart frameworkd iirc)

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