Experiment: better sound on remote end

Al Johnson openmoko at mazikeen.demon.co.uk
Sun Feb 7 10:59:06 CET 2010

On Saturday 06 February 2010, Gilles Filippini wrote:
> Neil Jerram a écrit , Le 06/02/2010 15:51:
> > On 2 December 2009 13:47,  <rms at 1407.org> wrote:
> >>        3. change control 63 (it's also on line 63), so that it ends in 3
> >> rather than in 2: * Old value: 63:'Mic Sidetone Mux':1:2
> >>         * New value: 63:'Mic Sidetone Mux':1:3
> ...
> > So: yes, I can confirm that changing 'Mic Sidetone Mux' from 'Mic 2'
> > to 'Right PGA' improves call audio for my callees.  My wife even
> > described it as 'quite fine' :-).
> +1.
> I've been using this setting for one week now and I've the very same
> comment from my wife ;) And now I can take a call while being in a noisy
> train.
> BTW, this is also the default QtMoko setting, where I found it from.
> Please, could someone elaborate on *why* it would be to avoid[1] as a
> default setting?

Because then somebody else will complain that the mic is too quiet, and we'll 
be going round in circles. There is NO universally good mixer setting for the 
defaults. Routing through the PGA just attenuates the signal slightly before 
it gets to the mono mixer. Turning the mono mixer setting down from 7 to 6 or 
5 will be just as effective.

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