Experiment: better sound on remote end

Gilles Filippini pini at debian.org
Sun Feb 7 23:01:30 CET 2010

Gilles Filippini a écrit , Le 07/02/2010 15:31:
> Al Johnson a écrit , Le 07/02/2010 10:59:
>> Routing through the PGA just attenuates the signal slightly before 
>> it gets to the mono mixer. Turning the mono mixer setting down from 7 to 6 or 
>> 5 will be just as effective.
> FWIW, my current working settings are:
> * control.48:	1
> * control.63:	'Right PGA'
> * control.12:	6
> * control.5:	127
> Following your advice, I'll give a try at:
> * control.63:	'Mic 2'
> * control.12:	5 or 4

Wow! I've had to lower control.12 to 0 (yes: zero) to have a sound
volume equivalent to my previous settings'.


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