RFC: FSOSHRCON 2010 kickoff

Serdar Dere serdar at serdar-dere.net
Wed Feb 10 01:23:34 CET 2010

I were looking for some dates which is possible.
I was searching for local holidays which are set for monday or friday.
I found this:
15.02.2010 (Mon) Rosenmontag
02.04.2010 (Fri) Karfreitag
05.04.2010 (Mon) Ostermontag
24.05.2010 (Mon) Pfingstmontag

Also for Thirsdays because there are no Tuesday holidays
13.05.2010 (Thi) Christi Himmelfahrt
03.06.2010 (Thi) Fronleichnam

Rosenmontag is too early (next monday :))

perfect days are 02-05.04.2010 but maybe too early.


These are my suggestions.

Greetings Serdar
Am 09.02.10 02:24, schrieb Michael 'Mickey' Lauer:
> Dear guys,
> I just returned from FOSDEM (*) where we had a mini Openmoko devroom.
> Seeing all the interested people and experiencing the scent of imminent
> breakthroughs wrt. supporting foreign platforms got me really motivated
> to kick off this year's FSOSHRCON. I consider last year being a good
> start, but am 100% sure we can do even better this year.
> Before we go into the detail planning, we have to talk about the rough
> plans. Here are my proposals, please comment.
> =Timeframe=
> I'd like us to meet in summer, i.e. somewhere during the May - August
> timeframe. We have to try to avoid school holidays and summer vacations
> (especially for those of us who have kids) though.
> =Duration=
> I'm afraid it needs to be a weekend, but we should aim to have two fully
> productive days (think about losing at least one day for arrival and
> setup plus cleaning up and departure), so it'd be best if we could
> either add a friday or a monday to the bouquet.
> =Location=
> This largely depends on the scope of this conference. I found last
> year's meeting @ LinuxHotel very pleasant and supercheap. The
> requirements are a big room where we can sit on a round or squared table
> with video and networking equipment.
> =Program=
> Last year we had a strong focus on getting to know each other and giving
> presentations. While that's all good, I'd like to attempt something more
> focused this year. I would love to come there with some concrete goals,
> such as:
> *) Porting SHR to fsogsmd.
> *) Porting FSO&  SHR to the HTC Dream.
> *) Porting FSO&  SHR to the Palm Pre.
> *) Unbreaking libfso-glib for C users.
> *) Porting SHR-Settings to Vala.
> etc. etc.
> I do think that we can allow for a small amount of presentations, but a
> really limited one. This year we should strive for a more workshop&
> code sprint oriented spirit.
> =Sponsoring=
> Travel costs are always high. We should try to find some sponsors for
> this event.
> That's all that comes to my mind now. I'd love to see all of you in a
> productive environment again, so let's try hard to make this happen.
> Cheers,

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