Fosdem Openmoko DevRoom presentation slides?

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at
Thu Feb 11 17:08:52 CET 2010

Hi Christoph,

> Please can you explain a bit about slide 26, which show some external  
> board booting Angstroem with GTA02 ?

This is an exciting project that tries to supply an PCB-replacement for
existing GTA02, delivering roughly the power of a Beagle board, equipped
with UMTS and some nice additional sensors. It's not my project hence I
can't say more about that, but chances are there will be an official
announcement hopefully soon.

> Some words about GTA03 prototyp shown on slide 22 are appreciated as  
> well. How far from mass-production has this been before canceling ?

Tough to say, since it's not clear how much "polishing" was actually
missing, there had been a prototype that managed to do a full phone
call, but there have also been some heating problems due to the very
thin case.

(I don't think this would be a viable path to continue, not alone due to
the missing schematics etc.)



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