[SHR] Application for desktop categories

Davide Scaini dscaini at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 17:38:27 CET 2010

There are some interesting apps on your repos, but it would be nice to have
some screenshot to understand better what is about and how it looks loke
before installing them...
anyway thanks for your efforts :)

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Michael Smith <openmoko at netapps.com.au>wrote:

> The number of applications on the SHR Illume desktop was getting to be a
> problem for me so I wrote a program which will rename batches of .desktop
> files to a different extension and hide them. The blog post is here:
> http://glitch.tl/deskcat.html
> Screenshot: http://artifacts.glitch.tl/DESKCAT-0.2-screenshot.png
> Package: http://opkg.glitch.tl/deskcat_0.3_arm.ipk
> Source:
> http://glitch.tl/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/home/host/glitch.tl/repos/deskcat/
> Important: read the whole blog post before installing the package. This is
> somewhat experimental.
> Basically you define categories in the application and assign a category to
> any application. The application creates desktop launchers which will rename
> any managed .desktop files in /usr/share/applications to a different
> extention if they are not in the desired category.
> One problem with this application is that it does create quite a few
> .desktop files of its own and they do clutter the place up. The category
> icons could be put into categories of their own but that would make
> navigating slower.
> Please reply with any comments, complaints and feature requests. One
> thought I had after getting the application to work on the phone is that I
> could reduce the number of icons by using the GUI application to switch
> categories. Doing it that way would be slower and require more finger
> presses, but it would be tidier.
> --
> Michael Smith
> +61 416 062 898
> http://glitch.tl
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