[SHR-U] WiFi-related memory leak

Denis Shulyaka shulyaka at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 23:31:14 CET 2010

2010/2/19 Denis Shulyaka <shulyaka at gmail.com>:
> I'll do some logging of `ps auxf`, `free` and `df -h` every 5 minutes.

OK, I did some tests today, here are the logs:

I have rebooted the phone to get clear results, started WiFi, Midori
and transmission-daemon and run the following script:

while true; do
    STAMP=`date +%H:%M:%S`
    ps axuf > ps.$STAMP
    free > free.$STAMP
    df -h > df.$STAMP

    sleep 300

It writes output of `ps auxf`, `free` and `df -h` to a corresponding
file every 5 minutes.

The phone could survive for 4 hours. When I look at the phone after
about 3 hrs and 45 min the Xorg (along with vala-terminal and my
script) was already killed (the last log entry was at 3:40). However I
still was able to ssh into the phone and get some final data manually
(named *.last).
On the phone screen I saw text console with following messages:

[15237.185000] Out of memory: kill process 1409 (screen) score 188 or a child
[15237.185000] Killed process 1442 (sh)
[15237.270000] Out of memory: kill process 1215 (batget) score 166 or a child
[15237.275000] Killed process 1215 (batget)
[15238.045000] Out of memory: kill process 1409 (screen) score 124 or a child
[15238.050000] Killed process 1409 (screen)
[15238.220000] Out of memory: kill process 1473 (udhcpc) score 118 or a child
[15238.225000] Killed process 1473 (udhcpc)
[15238.355000] Out of memory: kill process 1445 (wpa_supplicant) score
106 or a child
[15238.360000] Killed process 1445 (wpa_supplicant)
[15239.005000] Out of memory: kill process 2393 (bash) score 98 or a child
[15239.010000] Killed process 2405 (bash)
[16042.170000] Out of memory: kill process 2391 (sshd) score 89 or a child
[16042.170000] Killed process 2393 (bash)
[16068.555000] Out of memory: kill process 1083 (sshd) score 56 or a child
[16068.555000] Killed process 1083 (sshd)

What additional info I can gather?

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